COVER Corp. releases informational notice announcing measures they’ve taken to combat slander and defamation in 2022
For an official, in-depth overview of this announcement, please refer to the following link:
The report refers to measures COVER has taken in a one-year period, starting from January 2022 to December 2022.
In this time frame, COVER handled a total number of 146 slander and defamation cases.
They emphasize that in their efforts “over a sustained period, [they’ve] continued to take measures against slander and defamation of [their] affiliated talents.”
Legal action has been made against various infringements deemed particularly malicious. These include Legal Action Against Death Threats, Rights Infringement on Bulletin Boards, Rights Infringement on Social Media, and Aggregator Websites.
Once again, for a more in-depth overview of this announcement, please refer to the following link: