Takane Lui reveals her New Elegant, High-Class Outfit
Lui from holoX recently revealed her new outfit!
Her latest outfit is elegant, high-class even, resembling late 1800s and/or early 1900s fashion.
To start, Lui’s look features a long red hood, reminiscent of Little Red Riding Hood. However, it’s her dress underneath that really brings out the elegance of her new attire.
Below her torso, she wears an elongated dark magenta skirt coupled with a stylish belt. Up above, she’s dressed in a black blouse adorned with several mesh areas around her collar and sleeves, complete with a ribbon tie and cuffs to accentuaet those areas respectively.
Her hair comes in a new bobbed-cut look that can additionally include a pair of Goldilocks braids. She even has a matching beret to top it all off!